The Antarctic Infrastructure Modernization for Science (AIMS) project is a part of the Future USAP long range investment program for McMurdo Station.
Due to the scale of this project, specific funding was requested and received from Congress through the U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF) Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction Funding (MREFC) process. AIMS will unfold over the next several years and will be a key component of the future of USAP over the coming years. A major prerequisite for AIMS is that planning and construction have minimal impact on the science that will continue to take place at this critical research outpost.
Project Phases
AIMS was broken into several stages, consisting of three design and planning phases, followed by the construction phase. Each planning phase allowed the project team to further refine the architectural and logistical plans associated with the construction phase. This was done through an internal planning process as well as an external collaborative partnership with the scientist-grantees and the diverse group of other government agencies doing work in Antarctica.

Each research station has its own Master Plan, which continues to serve as a "living document" and reflects its purpose, goals, and future plans. As the work under AIMS will only take place at McMurdo, any relevant changes were incorporated into the McMurdo Master Plan.
This website will continue serve as a source of information, updates, and dialog on this project. Additionally, for more information on AIMS, please visit the Background of AIMS page.