Palmer Pier Planning Advances
An Improved and Expanded Pier to Allow More Room For Larger Ships, More Cargo, and Additional Science
May 8, 2017
The United States Antarctic Program recently completed a formal design review of the 35% design of a new Palmer Station Pier, advancing this critical piece of Antarctic infrastructure further along in the design process. When constructed, the new Palmer Pier will offer a safer and improved logistical platform, provide expanded vessel berthing capabilities, and incorporate several additional safety and operational features. Thanks to its coastal location on Anvers Island, Palmer Station is the focal point for inshore aquatic and marine Antarctic science.
RHIBs Update: Sea Trials and Progress Towards Delivery
First Trials Carried out in the Waters off Long Beach, California
Sep 1, 2016
Significant progress has been made in the development and deployment of the two Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB) that are designed for service at NSF's Palmer Station. Since the most recent update on this site, both hulls were shipped from Alabama to the shipyard in California for the final phases of construction. This included resolving several engineering challenges in order to ensure the boats are fully functional and will be up-to-specification upon delivery to Palmer.
UPDATE: Rigid Hull Boat (RHIBs) Construction Moving Forward
Major Structural Elements Proceeding Well and On Schedule
Apr 8, 2016
Several weeks ago, we presented the plans to modernize the fleet of small research craft based out of Palmer Station. In the months ahead, the United States Antarctic Program (USAP) will perform sea trails, acceptance and receiving of the first of the two Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs). These RHIBs will provide increased passenger and equipment safety, scientific capability, and boating range. In today's update we are pleased to announce that construction of the first RHIB is proceeding very well and on schedule.