McMurdo Station Master Plan 2.1

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Version History
Version 2.1
This version, Master Plan 2.1, refelects continued refinement with respect to, among other inputs, modified strategies for
Traverse Operations, the IT&C Facility, as well as snow deposition modeling.
Version 2.0
The Master Plan 2.0 was published on December 26, 2014.
Version 1.0
The McMurdo Master Plan 1.0 was completed in March of 2013. The purpose of that original plan was to provide an in-depth
first look at the current layout of McMurdo, identify both constraints and opportunities for future redevelopment, and create a
basic plan to serve as a guide for that development. That initial plan was intended to serve as a Master Plan "starting point"
to generate substantive discussion. Not only did it generate that discussion, it also resulted in a great deal of excitement. Since
Master Plans are meant to be updated in light of evolving technologies and new requirements, this version was created.