Ship Design
Current Science Mission Requirements
Key performance parameters, operational characteristics, and other threshold requirements for the ARV project can be found here.
Science Mission Requirements (PDF)
The ARV Preliminary Design Placemat is a draft summary of vessel design characteristics and specific features of the ARV. It lists overall hull dimensions, installed propulsion power, tank capacities, and certain equipment.
Download the ARV Design Placemat
General Arrangements
The general arrangement drawings depict the draft vessel layout at each deck level and includes a representation of every space onboard. This drawing shows the functional relationships between spaces and that the allocation of deck areas and volumes for each space meets the vessel's operational needs.
ARV General Arrangement Design Review
Size Comparison Outline
The figure below displays the size of the new Antarctic Research Vessel compared with similar vessels.

Size Comparison of the new Antarctic Research Vessel
Design Spiral
Where Are We Now?
The figure below displays the Design Spiral for the Antarctic Research Vessel.
Documents Library
For more design drawings and reports - go to the Documents Library Page